We help courageous marketers design the way forward for growth.

Energize Growth Now is a book by my close personal friend, Lisa, and she will help you truly understand growth strategies particularly for B2B companies. I want to highly recommend this book, I even wrote the foreword. That’s how much I believe in it…
Guy Kawasaki

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Join Lisa on her streaming platforms. Her special guests include Guy
Kawasaki, Dorie Clark, Chip Conley, and more.

LisaNirell Upcoming Events Graphic January 2024


Upcoming Events

July 12, 11-11:35 am ET: Fight Fake News, Protect Your Brand: Lessons from an AI Experiment with NewsGuard Enterprise Editor, Wall Street Journal contributor and former Forbes reporter Jack Brewster

Lisa Nirell podcasts


The Mindful Marketer

“Full Time vs. Fractional? The CMO Career Debate” with guests Scott Kabat, CEO, 621 Consulting and Michael Taylor, CEO, SimpleMind Inc. If you are curious about hiring a fractional CMO, or you are a CMO considering a fractional career path, listen to this show.

Lisa Nirell blog posts


Modern Marketing Trends

Porter’s Five Forces Need an Upgrade. Teams and leaders are simply exhausted. They need more than a summer sojourn and a mint julep to recuperate. And so do I. The first step towards recovery? Identify root causes of fatigue.

We help courageous CEOs and CMOs
accelerate growth and innovation.

We only work with clients who are as passionate and action-oriented as we are, we make
modern marketing mindful, specialize in innovation marketing,  and cultivate customer-centric
thinking and self-reflection.

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Want to accelerate growth and innovation? Lisa is here to help.

Lisa's Latest Videos

From The Blog

It is tempting to dust off our desktop after summer holidays, dive into July, and plan new marketing promotions. Let me suggest an alternative. Slow down to move fast by launching an After Action Review (AAR).

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Teams and leaders are simply exhausted. They need more than a summer sojourn and a mint julep to recuperate. And so do I. The first step towards recovery? Identify root causes of fatigue.

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The wisdom to pause, reflect, and remain calm has gotten me safely to the other side of big life transitions. I call that process my “Plan BE.”

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Marketing wisdom evolves from the marriage of knowledge and experience—and helps us make choices in an ever-changing, unpredictable world.

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