Cultivate commitment, not compliance. Your future depends on it.
Growth Planning Services
I bet you have attended a few boring, “one and done” corporate retreats. I certainly have.
Unfortunately, many are a huge waste of our time. That’s because they ignore these rules of thumb:
- Every growth plan must be aligned with customer and market needs, dynamics and perceptions—not our opinions and feelings.
- We must address the elephants in the room. These include the old “zombie” programs that drain our best resources and the limiting beliefs that sabotage the best-laid plans.
- The plans should be simple, not over-engineered. They should contain no more than 4 priorities and a commitment to remain accountable to them. Yet “scope creep” and distractions happen to the best of us. How do remain committed, yet agile?
Strategic planning and thinking can only happen with a written plan. Brain research has revealed that we are unable to focus intently on activities or goals that do not get documented.
That is why we help you build—and stay committed to–concrete action plans. We help you develop a “plan with a purpose”—a market-centered growth plan that aligns with your vision and core values. Using the EnergizeGrowth® 11 step planning framework, we will help you stay on course.
One more thing: We promise not to recommend ropes courses, art classes, or wilderness programs.
Contact Lisa to arrange a confidential call, and we will explore further.