5 Ways to Boost IT / Marketing Alignment

In our digital world, Marketing and IT need to work more closely than ever in order to drive growth and improve the customer experience. However, it can be difficult for these two teams to come together. Differences in communication, culture, and priorities too often cause friction.

Celerity, a business and digital consulting firm, recently hosted a Cover of CIO-CMO WhitepaperCMO-CIO Roundtable to discuss these issues. I was brought in as an expert moderator to facilitate the discussion. We uncovered five key ways Marketing and IT can get on the same page:

  • Establish protocols for collaboration
  • Focus on building an aligned culture
  • Get “one view of the customer”
  • Improve prioritization
  • Make candor your rallying cry

You can read in detail about these five steps on the Celerity Blog. I’d also highly recommend their new whitepaper, Bridging the CMO-CIO Gap, which contains many of the IT / Marketing alignment strategies uncovered at the Roundtable. You can download it for free on their site, here.

Copyright 2015, Lisa Nirell. All rights reserved.

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