Category: Adventures

We found another form of AI that can help CEO's and CMO's train for a different future: Appreciative Inquiry.

We’re witness to forces toppling old ways of working and leading. Generative AI, geopolitical turmoil, media misinformation, and hybrid work are fueling concern and confusion about the future.

The wisdom to pause, reflect, and remain calm has gotten me safely to the other side of big life transitions. I call that process my “Plan BE.”

In the world of business—where we live, lead, and grow– the zealous quest for market dominance and ad revenues also can chip away at the priceless value of brand trust.

A lack of preparation for the major shifts introduced by generative AI can throw personal and business growth opportunities into the deep end.

When I reflect on this crazy year, my favorite moments shared one common wave: they involved acts of generosity.

Many promising marketing innovations never see the light of day because we do not fully understand the importance and timing of the idea incubation process. Naming your idea, then allowing ample time for testing and idea sharing, are essential steps in any innovation cycle.

Summer solstice often means that it’s time to slow down, dust off the patio furniture, and kick back. But opportunities  don’t always present themselves on our timeline, and force us to operate at sudden warp speed.

Here are 3 strategies I practiced when life “turned up the heat” – and how I will thrive in the year ahead.

Here’s a great example of engaging video content from my recent conversation with Josh Golden, VP of Creative at Yes& Agency. Enjoy this video interview. (my 2 minute segment starts at 5:17).

As the Amazon HQ2 announcement descended like a drone in Northern Virginia, I sensed the anxiety levels rise among existing (and much smaller) regional employers. They have valid concerns about the level of employee poaching that could happen in the coming decade (yes, decade).

Gratitude is an often ignored method to address employee disengagement. These 5 methods of expressing gratitude might just be the solution to retaining your best people.

We took a moment to reflect on our two fall 2018 CMO events in DC and Atlanta, GA: The CMO breakfast with Chip Conley, and our 4th annual CMOs Leading Innovation Conference. (CLIC ’18). This is the first in a series of conference recap posts to share key learnings.