Category: Leadership & Culture

This is an ideal time to take stock of the past six months and adjust course, where needed.

Lisa planning on a flip chart
Lisa planning on a flip chart

It is tempting to dust off our desktop after summer holidays, dive into July, and plan new marketing promotions. Let me suggest an alternative. Slow down to move fast by launching an After Action Review (AAR).

Teams and leaders are simply exhausted. They need more than a summer sojourn and a mint julep to recuperate. And so do I. The first step towards recovery? Identify root causes of fatigue.

Marketing wisdom evolves from the marriage of knowledge and experience—and helps us make choices in an ever-changing, unpredictable world.

Each year, we select a senior growth leader for our CLIC Beacon Award. We honor and recognize their commitment to promoting shared knowledge, inspiration, and experiences. The recipient  models the traits of a strategic leader: open, real, and respectful.

What I recommend is contrary to Western work norms: stop plate-spinning. In my recent LinkedIn newsletter, I have outlined the case to embrace the power of the pause.

“The most important thing for who you are is not what you say YES to, but what you say NO to.” If these wise words work for A-listers, they can work for you.

Estimated read time: 5 minutes

I love this time of year when I get to help leaders design their annual kickoff meetings and refresh their vision for future growth.

Sadly, some growth grinches roam these gatherings. Much like the grumpy solitary creature in the film “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” some leaders miss the true meaning and mechanics behind this important holiday –the planning season. In 2023, I witnessed how these “bah humbug” habits disrupted investor confidence, demoralized team members, and crushed careers….

Our 2023 Beacon Award recipient, Amy Kellinger, is someone you would love to know. She’s Blackbaud’s VP of global demand gen and event marketing–and an inspiration to our global community.

In the world of business—where we live, lead, and grow– the zealous quest for market dominance and ad revenues also can chip away at the priceless value of brand trust.

Making room for the messiness of marketing innovation needs to happen before anyone can perform—or your organization can transform.