You’re Invited: Mindful Marketing Workshop at The Social Shake-Up

What is marketing to you? Does it sometimes feel like it’s about winning at any cost, clawing your way to the top, glomming onto the latest trends and tricks while scrambling not to lose ground?

Well, there’s a different way. And I’m pleased to offer a very exciting opportunity to discover what it is.

I’ll be presenting a marketing workshop, How to Lead the Mindful Marketing Revolution, at The Social Shake-Up 2015 in Atlanta, GA. The workshop takes place on Monday, June 8th, as part of an exclusive conference kick-off day.How to Lead the Mindful Marketing Revolution Workshop

Big Data has its place, but for many modern marketers, an over-reliance on data, technological tools, and workflows has made marketing a little…mindless.

In this workshop, you’ll discover how to switch tracks, from doing more to being more. In becoming a mindful marketer, you’ll be more creative, more responsive, and able to see future opportunities and daily decisions more clearly. You’ll be an active participant, rather than just a cog in the marketing machine.

In this mindful marketing workshop, you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify and eliminate unproductive marketing habits and language
  • Accelerate community engagement
  • Dramatically improve peer relationships and idea sharing
  • Leverage success strategies from Get Satisfaction, TripAdvisor, and Miraval

You’re encouraged to bring an example of a company promotional piece, internal memo, or short presentation. We will review, test, and overhaul it to align with mindful marketing language and gain more attention from your audience. All of this is done in a collaborative, warm and supportive setting.

This workshop isn’t about adjusting your tactics or fiddling at the edges of your marketing strategy: it’s about undergoing a personal revolution in the way you approach your work. If that sounds good to you, be sure to get your ticket for The Social Shake-Up today. Ticket options are available for full conference access, the workshop only, and just about everything in between. Use the code “SpeakerGuest” to get 30% off any ticket!

P.S. The first five registrants for this workshop will receive a free autographed copy of my book, The Mindful Marketer: How to Stay Present and Profitable in a Data-Driven World.

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