Are You Creating a Digital Marketing Disaster?

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Copyright: rawpixel / 123RF Stock Photo

Marketers face more career choices and growth opportunities than they have in decades, and marketing compared to other departments, is perceived as a hotbed for innovation. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that we’re focusing on one small slice of innovation and learning: marketing technology. If we focus most of our energy on technology, what growth opportunities will we miss?

It is easy for marketers to be seduced—and feel downright deluged—by the number of new technology offerings and providers. The field of contenders continues to mushroom. In fact, the most recent Chief Martech technology landscape infographic shows that marketers can choose from over 1,876 cloud solutions. That number has doubled in the past 12 months.

Overwhelm isn’t the only consequence of this technology tsunami. I’ve discovered others. In my latest HuffingtonPost article here, I outline the main drivers of digital marketing disasters, and some advice to avoid them. You will be surprised by some I’ve discovered.

Sometimes software is the answer—but in other cases, wisdom and live customer conversations are more critical.

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Copyright 2015, Lisa Nirell. All rights reserved.

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