Video: Practical Ideas for Becoming a Mindful Marketer


What are some practical, everyday ways that marketing leaders can become more mindful?

That’s the question I posed to attendees during my AdWeek DC keynote. What emerged were some extremely thoughtful mindful marketing ideas that I’d like to share with you in this video.

A few highlights:

  • How to understand and find balance between what is meaningful, rather than just measurable
  • Why peer-to-peer interaction and genuine empathy are so crucial in today’s over-“connected” world
  • The need to shift your focus from “pitching” to meeting customer needs and offering real value

I invite you to take four minutes and watch the video. What are some of your ideas for becoming a more mindful marketer? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Copyright 2015, Lisa Nirell. All rights reserved.

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