7 Marketing Plan Boosters for 2016

Yet I’m certain you haven’t considered all 7 of my latest marketing plan Marketing Plan Growthboosters.

Some of my clients have and are moving forward with greater confidence. In fact, one CMO is on track to creating at least $15M in new business as a result of working with me on their marketing innovation framework.

In the 28-minute bonus MP3 program, you will hear some of my clients’ secrets, including:

  • Why customer communication vehicles are changing, and what you need to do about it
  • The pitfalls of chasing unicorn growth fantasies
  • My take on marketers who are gorging on the millennials craze
  • Which “friendly ghosts of marketing past” might just be worth pursuing, again
  • How to spike your hiring punch to drive higher retention

(I know you will pardon the myriad holiday metaphors in the podcast–they drive the point home).

If you find this content valuable, and want the inside track to my latest thinking on marketing innovation and strategy, join our Making Marketing Waves™ community.

Which of these 7 marketing plan boosters resonate with you? Leave your comments below.

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Copyright 2016, Lisa Nirell. All rights reserved.

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