7 Marketing Innovation and Planning Resources

Are you overwhelmed by the number of marketing innovations and software products available today?

You are not alone. When I last counted, I discovered over 1, 400 marketing and analytics tools. How can any marketing leaders stay abreast of the latest trends that will propel their businesses forward when the rate of change is this fast?

Before you cry “uncle,” remember the fundamentals of marketing innovation:

1. Innovation is defined as applied creativity. I learned this definition from Alan Weiss. It’s powerful in its simplicity.

2. We are SURROUNDED if not ENGULFED in innovation opportunity. We encounter new, more nimble competitors. We experience unexpected success, which forces us to think differently about our processes and approaches. Buyers change the way they behave, or they age and their needs change. Business processes break, which becomes a catalyst for us to step up our game.

3. The rumors about triggering innovation by hiring smart people from marquis universities, or hosting fancy offsite meetings, are simply untrueInnovative cultures are highly dependent on the organization design and the behaviors of the direct supervisors.

4. Innovation is mostly iterative. It is not dependent on a “big bang,” life-changing moment.

That’s why it’s worth investing 10 minutes a day learning about innovation and the trends in our marketing world.

To help you get started, I spent several hours scouring recent publications that do a fine job of revealing marketing innovations. I found 7 resources to help you get up to speed on what’s worth watching:

Five Innovation Trends for CMOs – my latest Forbes.com post:


The 7th Era of Marketing – from author/content expert Robert Rose:


Summary: Rose believes that 6th generation—”engagement marketing” is overused and overrated. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are now broadcast stations. Robert offers some unique perspectives on the new era of marketing in which we operate.

Gartner Group: “4 New New Things from Adobe Summit:”


CMO.com article:


Millennial Marketing Study from Adobe:


PR Daily:


A post from Beki Winchel, bekiw@ragan.com

Business Today, by Chitra Narayanan:


P.S. Don’t let the focus on marketing to millennials fool you. It’s not about a number or an outdated segment; it’s a mindset. Within these posts, you will find strategies that apply to sharp marketers of all ages.

If you would like the complete 40 minute MP3 replay and 6-page planning guide from my latest Making Marketing Waves webinar, please register for your 1-year subscription. 

copyright 2015, Lisa Nirell. All rights reserved.
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