Bonus Video: 7 Mindful Marketing Tips

17 minute screencast bonus: expires February 3

7 Mindful Marketing Tips (expires February 3)

As I travel the country and speak with leaders from Google, IHG, Turner, InnerWorkings, Telemundo, and others, I’m encouraged by how the mindful marketing movement has made the shift from Fringe to Main Street. It’s hard to believe that just three years ago, I leapt into the abyss of this topic, unsure how audiences would react.

Back then, I wanted to simply introduce people to the basics of mindful marketing. I quickly  realized this was not enough. My message wasn’t helping marketers overcome old habits; it was simply creating awareness of what was possible. Leaders still expressed frustration with the temptation to be always connected, to over-schedule, and to multi-task.

It just doesn’t make sense to perpetuate the insanity of 2016—doing the same things repeatedly, and expecting different results.

That’s why I put together this 17 minute screencast (MP4). In the 7 Mindful Marketing Tips video, you will hear:

  • The definition of mindful marketing
  • The dark side of mindless marketing: multi-tasking and lazy language
  • How intentional language shifts conversations and builds customer trust
  • New and simple meeting preparation tips
  • Stories from our community that will inspire you

This content is reserved for our private member roster; however, for a limited time, you can enjoy it too!

Click here to enjoy the session. The link expires on Friday, February 3, so don’t delay.

Then watch the shifts in how your upcoming year, mindset, and relationships unfold.

P.S. If you want to discuss how I can help you accelerate growth and marketing innovation in the coming year, and strengthen your marketing leadership programs, please let me know. We just published our Services Overview on our new website.


Other fresh content you will enjoy:

How Big Data will Transform Event Performance – Guest Post from Oni Chukwu, CEO of etouches

What Six Leaders Learned from their Biggest Mistakes of 2016FastCompany blog


copyright 2017, Lisa Nirell. All rights reserved.

Comments open: True

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