We spend much of our work hours (and some great meals) with senior marketing leaders. One thing is certain and constant: we collectively strive to improve our craft, and to overcome the isolation that often comes with our chosen career.
That’s why we conduct this CMO Innovation Trends survey each year. We want to see what has changed. What technologies are your peers pursuing? Who are their key allies? What marketing innovation roadblocks are holding them back?
If you are a CMO or Marketing VP, please participate.
The survey only requires 3 minutes and contains 10 questions. Here is the link: http://tinyurl.com/CMOstudy18
Even if you choose to not participate, you are still receiving these learning bonuses to help you thrive. (And yes, this is my ethical bribe…)
You can download them here:
- Masters of Influence: The “Super CMO” Communications Guide (6-minute MP4) – Click here
- “3 Areas of Modern Marketing Mastery,” Lisa Nirell. Get the MP3 audio here (9 minutes) and the PDF here.
- Common Sources of Marketing Innovation Resistance—highlight from CMOs Leading Innovation Conference (CLIC ’17). Watch the 4 ½ minute video here.
- Leapfrog Strategies to Guide Customer Experience, Jeanne Bliss, CEO Customer Bliss, at the Marketing Leaders of DC™ meeting. Listen to the audio here (1 hour 20 minutes)
We will deliver survey results and insights soon. Respond now to be first in line for the insights.
Thank you!
P.S. Our survey closes on August 26—so please reply now. Your responses are 100% anonymous. Click here to begin the survey.