CMO Highlights from CLIC ’18

We have many stories from CLIC ’18 to pass along, and they would consume pages!  That’s why we plan to send you these stories in small bites in the coming months.

In the meantime, here’s one announcement that is worth shouting about.

Each year, we celebrate members who model our core values and raise the performance bar within our profession. This year, we selected someone who has taken their marketing leadership role to a whole new level: Jennifer Groese of List Partners.

Jennifer Groese Wins CLIC 18 Beacon Award

Lisa and Jennifer Groese, the 2018 Beacon Award recipient. Photo Credit: Chris Zegal

Our core values guide every Marketing Leaders of DC™ and Atlanta™ interaction and meeting. For example, our members are real–they are always willing to openly express gratitude and appreciation for others. They also don’t hold back on providing constructive feedback. That describes Jennifer’s leadership style.

Beacon Award winners like Jennifer also believe in the “sharing/pay it forward” philosophy. They reach out regularly to other members to address ad-hoc issues and share resources. Jennifer joined for reasons well beyond friendship and networking.

Finally, Jennifer embodies our strategic core value. For today’s modern CMO, unforeseen customer shifts, role overlap, and changing customer preferences are today’s new normal.

This was especially true for Jennifer. Recently, List Partners announced two acquisitions within just 90 days. And in record time, she spearheaded the brand integration and worked tirelessly with the CEO to ensure customers received proper communication and care.

Entrepreneurship is in Jennifer’s blood–she is not only inspired not only by List Partner’s CEO, Dave Currie. She is also propelled forward by her Mom’s many decades of running her Florida-based business.

Please join me in celebrating this year’s Beacon Award winner–Jennifer Groese of List Partners.

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