Category: Talent & Teams

When it comes to our careers and our customer relationships, the way we FEEL frames our reality.

Yet there is a “reality paradox” happening in our workplaces.

On the one hand, we are witnessing declining unemployment (now 4.8% in the USA), soaring corporate and consumer spending, and a frenetic hiring pace for marketing and CX professionals. 50% of my clients have either been promoted or changed careers in the past 22 months.

On the other hand, drug overdoses in the USA have surpassed 100,000 this year….

At least half of our marketing clients and community members are actively seeking or being recruited for very financially attractive roles. How can you adapt to the new hiring and recruiting processes without selling your soul?

You might think that the pandemic is the true cause of many of us focusing on short-term issues and being reactionary.

But I have news for you.

For the years I’ve been advising Chief Marketing Officers and CEOs, this problem has haunted them.

Too much short-term thinking can severely limit your career as well as your best-laid marketing strategies.

In this episode, I share the screen with Dorie Clark. She is a prolific entrepreneur, professor, standup comedienne, communications coach, and Author of The Long Game.

Many people call themselves managers, but the word “manager” has undersold leadership for a very long time. In this episode, I share the screen with Don McGuire, the CMO of Qualcomm. He discusses how to creatively and proactively engage teams in today’s hybrid settings, marketing and connecting effectively with customers and strategic partners in the digital world, and leadership strategies that no longer work.

Here’s what you need to know about the Rocky Mountain culture to hire great people and deepen your customer relationships.