Tagged: change management

In spite of the social unrest and tribulations, most of my clients and friends are thriving. We are connected, committed to helping each other, and wise enough to focus on things we can influence and control.

Based on what I’m observing, I’m providing 7 strategies to help you seek opportunity and stay healthy in the frigid weeks ahead. I promise that they will help you feel more confident and prepared for the economic and social post-pandemic resurgence.

At this moment, at least half of my CMO clients are launching a
reorganization or marketing transformation initiative. This ushers in
discomfort, chaos, and uncertainty.

Some will steer their ship through rough waters. Others will hide
below deck just to avoid confronting the tension and discomfort that any
transformation naturally creates.

In my two decades of witnessing hundreds of marketing and sales
transformations, I have seen four common myths that can derail a perfectly good
