Still sitting on the sidelines with your generative AI policy and strategy? If so, your business might just be headed for “limited engagement” status, too.
November 22, 2024
Today’s issue summarizes what I’m hearing. This insight will help you make the most of your 19 productive days. It will also help you compare your priorities with peers.
November 7, 2024
To move forward together, we need a moment to pause, name the emotions, and acknowledge them.
October 16, 2024
We’re witness to forces toppling old ways of working and leading. Generative AI, geopolitical turmoil, media misinformation, and hybrid work are fueling concern and confusion about the future.
October 1, 2024
Based on the 170+ clients I have advised over the past two decades, I’m seeing how our old definition of transformation, coupled with the speed of change, is no longer serving us. And our stakeholders suffer.
September 10, 2024
AI frenzy is fostering awful intelligence and fuzzy math. And less than ten percent of our clients and followers are actively using AI at work. Here’s my contrarian view. The FOMO mindset is no way to live—and it stifles innovative thinking.
August 21, 2024
Moments can represent the denouement to a series of challenges or opportunities. Others feel drastic, often cleanup efforts stemming from a series of poor decisions. Movements require a patient leader who’s willing to set a new vision—and stick with it.
April 6, 2021
Arriving at the gigantic, empty mall parking lot felt unsettling and unfamiliar.
Yet I knew the day ahead would get me grounded in the Loudoun County COVID POD (Point of Distribution) process, and the power of community service during a crisis.
This is how my adventures as a novice Volunteer Medical Corps (VMC) member began. One week ago, I reported for my first day of work at the POD.
The experience wasn’t just inspiring….
September 17, 2020
What makes #veterans resilient leaders and #entrepreneurs? In honor of all 9/11 veterans, we discuss the topic in this episode of our Mindful Marketer Live Steam, featuring John Nicholson, General U.S. Army Retired, and Suzie Mills.
Follow Lisa on LinkedIn to tune in to the Mindful Marketer LinkedIn series the first 3 Fridays of each month at 1:30pm ET.
June 2, 2020
As marketers, we routinely obsess over the customer journey and how to measure “intent to purchase.” We know too that we do our best work when we’re facilitating micro conversions between a brand and a consumer that are naturally a good fit, rather than forcing a product on an exasperated audience.
We understand intuitively that relationship building, alignment, and value are essential to our vocation.
But how often do we truly lead with purpose and intention, rather than simply deploying tactics?