Tagged: marketing growth leaders

In spite of the social unrest and tribulations, most of my clients and friends are thriving. We are connected, committed to helping each other, and wise enough to focus on things we can influence and control.

Based on what I’m observing, I’m providing 7 strategies to help you seek opportunity and stay healthy in the frigid weeks ahead. I promise that they will help you feel more confident and prepared for the economic and social post-pandemic resurgence.

What’s on the mind of CMOs these days? Based on last week’s private breakfast discussion with our Marketing Growth Leaders, a lot! If you are a marketing leader, or work with CMOs, you need to know what keeps them awake at night, and find ways to help them navigate these challenging times while designing a new course for the post-pandemic world.

I will be hosting a private CEO/CMO virtual breakfast on October 23rd. Our session will explore “The CEO-CMO Alliance: Healthy Growth in a Time of COVID.”

If you’re currently in a VP or CMO-level role, please join us for this private discussion. It will help you:

Position yourself as a stronger influencer in the C-SuiteGenerate ideas for growth during COVIDIdentify strategies or behaviors that hamper your CEO relationshipDiscuss what KPIs matter for 2021

You will walk away with pragmatic strategies to help you become a growth champion and strategic collaborator across your organization….