Tagged: Marketing ROI

Join your C-Suite peers and learn how to accelerate growth through deeper collaboration and trust.

We’re hosting a complimentary CEO-CMO breakfast on April 16 in Washington, DC from 8-10 am. Join leaders from prominent organizations for a confidential discussion on how CEOs and CMOs can partner in order to accelerate sustainable growth.

This topic is very timely. We have been working with hundreds of
CMOs over the past 7 years—and, in spite of AI, MarTech, and other
technological advances, CMOs remain unsure of how to align their priorities
with the CEO’s vision and board expectations….

Discussions around marketing ROI and KPIs are de rigeur. But they’re missing the point. Marketing leaders first need fundamental competencies in TWO areas: relationship-building and strategic insight. This post presents five questions that every leader must explore before designing a dazzling dashboard.