Tagged: Mindfulness at work

Some habits that will give you more white space and peace of mind

With the holidays approaching, it’s easy to let things slip. A cookie here, a late weeknight there. That extra shot of bourbon over dinner. Before you know it, ten pounds and ten percent more body fat surreptitiously appear.
Several of my clients have asked what life habits I’ve accumulated over the past decade—a decade that has proven to be transformational for me.
Without healthy leadership habits, I simply don’t know how I would have transitioned to a new home and adapted to living on my own for the first time in 30 years.
I sincerely hope you find solace and an extra shot of productivity from my list.

When the pace of work and end of year marketing demands intensify, we have a choice. We can either dive in, head first, and invoke high stress levels…or we can calm our mind and increase our efficacy.

I suggest you ease into fall by creating time to reflect. In this post, you will find five of my favorite quotes to help you achieve that–and, in the process, improve your decision-making.