Tagged: scenario planning

Scenario planning helps prevent brand destruction, and tames generative AI hype.

Lisa Nirell leading a planning session with Charlene Li in 2020
Lisa Nirell leading a planning session with Charlene Li in 2020

Hype cycles take us—and our stakeholders—on a wild ride. Without strategic guardrails, our brand may be forever damaged. Yet here we are, diving into countless ChatGPT and other generative AI use cases and experiments, skipping the strategic questions and downplaying the consequences of unfettered use.

During this pandemic, my best clients are now completing their first round of scenario planning.

This is an essential process to help them determine financial alternatives and future resource requirements.

It also provides insight into what initiatives and offerings to keep, expand, or jettison.

Some of your more unfavorable scenarios suggest longer, more painful delays and streamlined operations. Scenario plans also might suggest that certain established offerings are no longer relevant to your customers.