Spiral Marketing Podcast: Mindful Marketing

I was recently interviewed for Spiral Marketing Podcasts, to discuss insights from my new book, The Mindful Marketer.Spiral Marketing Podcast Screenshot

Host Karl Boehm and I covered a lot of ground, including the definition of mindful marketing and why it’s so important in today’s data-driven, multi-tasking world. I also shared these tips:

  • The question you can ask yourself every day to keep yourself focused (I do this myself!)
  • One action you can take today to dramatically improve how you relate to customers and teammates
  • Three simple ways teams can engage, connect and make better decisions
  • How to identify “mindless marketing” behaviors that are hurting your effectiveness (including one you probably don’t expect!)

You can listen to the podcast here. I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments below. What steps will you take to become a more mindful marketer?

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Copyright 2015, Lisa Nirell. All rights reserved.

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