Video: Designing Mindful Marketing Communities


Let’s talk about how we design our marketing communities. In Buddhism, we have a term called sangha. This has to do with surrounding yourself with like-minded people who support you in whatever you’re doing.

We need to find our sangha as mindful marketers. In this video, Jamie Gorski, CMO of The Bozzuto Group, and I discuss what’s worked for us over the years. Some of the points we cover include:

  • The importance and benefits of a peer group (for example, our Marketing Leaders of DC™  community)
  • Guidelines and ideas for designing your own peer communities
  • How surrounding yourself with champions can also make you a champion

I invite you to take four minutes to enjoy the video.

What are some of the ways you’ve found sangha through a marketing community? Share your thoughts and ideas below.

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Copyright 2015, Lisa Nirell. All rights reserved.

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