Book Review: “The Power of Onlyness”

A playbook for thinkers and doers, not dreamers.

Building strong communities and commitment to your innovative marketing solutions and ideas may be the smartest actions you take in 2018. I recently read a great book that described just how you can make that happen.

Inspiring stories and pragmatic advice fill the pages of Nilofer Merchant’s newest book, The Power of Onlyness.

The author’s advice, however, isn’t for people who are trying to impress others, or fit into, as she coined it, “anyone else’s arbitrary and antiquated rules.” This book is for thinkers and doers, not dreamers.

Merchant coined the term “onlyness” as finding your unique sense of what matters. And the emphasis is on YOUR sense. She provokes us not to ask “what does the world/market/customer need?” Instead, she gains inspiration from another prolific author and adventure-seeker, Cheryl Strayed: “Ask What has been given to me? What do I have to give back? Then, act.”

Merchant’s exploration of innovation marketing cannot be missed. These modern marketing trends are the key to your success in 2018 and beyond.

Click here to read the rest of my review.

Copyright 2017, Lisa Nirell. All rights reserved.

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