ChatGPT, tougher privacy rules, and a growing demand for differentiation can decimate well intended thought leadership and content strategies.
January 27, 2021
Here in the United States, we gather on February 7 for Super Bowl LV.
Bah, humbug.
If I haven’t upset you yet, keep reading.
I never use male sports metaphors to tell stories because I simply do not understand the rules–and have too many other hobbies to invest time to learn them.
For today, I’ll break my own rules by sharing an attention-grabbing story about one of my fellow 100 Coaches members, Curtis Martin.
Curtis, an NFL Hall of Famer and top running back, once reveled in the “work hard, play hard” lifestyle….
September 3, 2020
Two weeks ago, US presidential candidate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris announced their candidacy on a platform of kindness and empathy. As the week of virtual convention activities unfolded, it was clear that these themes will remain part of the Democratic party’s hue and cry until (and hopefully beyond) the November 3 election.
Hard as Democrats may try, empathy is STILL in short supply in our country today, and it is taking its toll on our citizens. Today, NPR’s Rhitu Chatterjee reported that most citizens are simply unsure when the next pandemic or political shoe will drop….
September 19, 2018
CMOs continue to express their frustration and discontent with content strategies. In this post, we offer 4 suggestions to optimize your content investment. It is designed to ensure long-term growth and brand repute.
May 14, 2018
CMOs are expected to be brand ambassadors and masterful communicators. As you assess your abilities in that area, ask yourself: are you making it easy for people to engage with you—or are you creating confusion?