Tagged: Mark Levy

If there is such a thing as a silver lining with COVID, it’s this: the pandemic has created existential crisis for organizations.

Their raison d’etre is being challenged, and may even be falling on deaf ears. Tradition is no longer a valid criteria for investing in a market or for growth mapping.

And in some cases, tradition is more of a hindrance than a help. It may no longer valued–Just ask your customers and your most disengaged employees….

Marketing leaders who use firefighting as their default mode create unnecessary innovation anxiety. In this post, Lisa shares a 4 part video series showcasing Mark Levy. He steps us through the benefits of freewriting, and how it unleashes our innovation genius.

These videos expire on June 15, 2017–so enjoy them while you can!

I once believed that in order to be creative, I need to drive to the beach, rent a quiet space, and let the ideas start to flow.

Not so fast, Lisa!