Tagged: mindful marketer life stream

Here in the USA, temperatures are climbing while the US begins a gradual transition back to in person work. Many of us are also experiencing another form of “heat:” burnout.

Personally, I frequently feel the smoldering pressure to attend more outdoor concerts, networking events, in-person client meetings, and re-openings. My FOMO fights with my calm, mindful inner self. It can be exhausting!

Research tells me that I am not alone. A recent study from Deloitte revealed that 77% of U.S….

Morgan, an experienced VP of Marketing, contacted me because she wanted to go further faster. Her boss gave her very positive performance reviews for her marketing and brand building abilities. But that’s where she stopped short.

Morgan’s peers considered her a masterful marketing adviser. But she had very few internal champions. Peers told me “Morgan always wants to have the last word. And if that means interrupting me when I’m sharing my ideas, she will do it.” This incessant need was holding her back….

Ever since the pandemic began, I catch myself becoming impatient, even agitated, when it takes more than five seconds to confirm my order. I expect to not only have a great customer experience. I also expect my product (or dinner) to appear on my doorstep within minutes or hours.

During my recent Mindful Marketer Live Stream, I explored how this phenomenon is re-shaping the rules of customer engagement and marketing.

It’s estimated that 35% of the world’s top 10,000 companies waste nearly 40% of their daily routines on bureaucracy, bad excuses, red tape, and — my favorite– hanging out with “zombies.”

Common sense needs a comeback and we need to remove those zombies.

When I work with marketing leaders and C-Suite executives during a workshop, keynote, or coaching session, I often describe what happens when you let these “zombies” – projects that nobody is willing to kill off – just roam the halls, eating up valuable time and resources….

Here in the United States, we gather on February 7 for Super Bowl LV.

Bah, humbug.

If I haven’t upset you yet, keep reading.

I never use male sports metaphors to tell stories because I simply do not understand the rules–and have too many other hobbies to invest time to learn them.

For today, I’ll break my own rules by sharing an attention-grabbing story about one of my fellow 100 Coaches members, Curtis Martin.

Curtis, an NFL Hall of Famer and top running back, once reveled in the “work hard, play hard” lifestyle….

In spite of the social unrest and tribulations, most of my clients and friends are thriving. We are connected, committed to helping each other, and wise enough to focus on things we can influence and control.

Based on what I’m observing, I’m providing 7 strategies to help you seek opportunity and stay healthy in the frigid weeks ahead. I promise that they will help you feel more confident and prepared for the economic and social post-pandemic resurgence.

Subscription businesses are reported to grow revenues five times faster than S&P 500 company revenues and US retail sales.

In this episode of the Mindful Marketer Life Stream, we sat down with the global expert on subscription businesses, Robbie Baxter, as she shares her wisdom and excerpts from her newest book, “The Forever Transaction.” We discuss how to build customers for life, steady revenue streams and mindfully designed membership business models.