Tagged: pandemic

Here in the mid-Atlantic, we are experiencing the tail end of a natural phenomenon – the emergence of Brood X cicadas. After 17 years in the dark, billions of these noisy bugs have we emerged from underground.

This phenomenon echoes our own post-COVID emergence. We have a unique opportunity to reshape and redesign the new rules of the workplace. We can reinvent and reconnect with the people who matter: our teams, our customers, strategic partners, and other stakeholders….

I just read Monday’s Wall Street Journal investigative story about Tony Hsieh, co-founder and former CEO of Zappos and author of the 2010 bestseller, Delivering Happiness.

I knew Tony, and it breaks my heart to learn about his rapid downward emotional spiral since the pandemic began. He delivered happiness to thousands without first securing his own metaphorical oxygen mask.

As many of us experience more aggressive pandemic restrictions and a potential increase in isolation, I encourage you to take note of this tragedy, how our loved ones and colleagues may also be feeling similar emotions, and what you can do to help them avoid extreme emotional distress….

Since March, I have received a steady stream of client requests on how they can identify and address extreme stress levels within their teams—not to mention their own lives. Their teams act distracted and downtrodden, sometimes missing commitments and important email messages.

My coaching often focuses on helping clients create greater calm and focus in their daily schedules. Their mental health concerns and team behaviors are clearly affecting their bottom line. For example, one mid-market CMO recently told me that team engagement and productivity has reached all-time lows….

I will be hosting a private CEO/CMO virtual breakfast on October 23rd. Our session will explore “The CEO-CMO Alliance: Healthy Growth in a Time of COVID.”

If you’re currently in a VP or CMO-level role, please join us for this private discussion. It will help you:

Position yourself as a stronger influencer in the C-SuiteGenerate ideas for growth during COVIDIdentify strategies or behaviors that hamper your CEO relationshipDiscuss what KPIs matter for 2021

You will walk away with pragmatic strategies to help you become a growth champion and strategic collaborator across your organization….

In a recent episode of SkyeTeam’s People First! podcast, Lisa sat down with Morag Barrett to explore what it means to be human during the pandemic and what mindful marketers share in common. They also discussed how marketing is changing forever, as well as some of the limitations of Big Data. Click below to listen.

Here are a some highlights from the podcast:
Lisa’s leadership journey – 1:00
What is mindful marketing –…

Last Sunday marked the final outdoor swim team practice of the season for me. It felt bittersweet, for sure. This was one of the most memorable summers for me in many ways.

One reason was that I enjoyed multiple lake swims in Vermont and outdoor practices. But with the Fall Equinox arriving today, the chill in the air swiftly ushers me to the indoor pool.

Long, intense workouts are not foreign to me. I’ve been swimming since I learned to walk….

A lot is happening behind the scenes at EnergizeGrowth®.

Since you have been a loyal follower of my work—some of you for 18 years—I wanted you to know what we are changing, and how it might benefit you.

Let’s face it–COVID is a curse.

It’s an economic curse. It’s a social curse. And it’s an emotional curse.

Yet it’s also a blessing.

It has forced every conscious, growth-minded leader to step back, distance themselves from others, lower the cacophony in their lives, and reflect….

How does mindfulness play a role during COVID?

And given that the pandemic has forced us to really take a pause, what can we do to adapt and learn from mindfulness habits in order to simply be calmer and more focused?

In 1988, I was preparing for my first 280-mile solo flight.  I started in Stratford, Connecticut, and I was supposed to fly to a town called Concord, New Hampshire. As I crossed the state border from Massachusetts into New Hampshire, something strange happened….

Lisa Nirell joins seasoned entrepreneur and author, Rhett Power,  for Power Lunch Live. They discuss how mindfulness helps leaders and marketers thrive during these tough times.

During this pandemic, my best clients are now completing their first round of scenario planning.

This is an essential process to help them determine financial alternatives and future resource requirements.

It also provides insight into what initiatives and offerings to keep, expand, or jettison.

Some of your more unfavorable scenarios suggest longer, more painful delays and streamlined operations. Scenario plans also might suggest that certain established offerings are no longer relevant to your customers.