Tagged: planning

Last Sunday marked the final outdoor swim team practice of the season for me. It felt bittersweet, for sure. This was one of the most memorable summers for me in many ways.

One reason was that I enjoyed multiple lake swims in Vermont and outdoor practices. But with the Fall Equinox arriving today, the chill in the air swiftly ushers me to the indoor pool.

Long, intense workouts are not foreign to me. I’ve been swimming since I learned to walk….

I recently invited Patty Lawrence to join me and discuss the essentials to small business continuity. The first two steps: 1) identify your levers within your control, and 2) quantify your BAMs (bare minimums) needed to keep marketing and serving your customers.

I recently joined Steve Caldwell on his podcast, Manager Mojo. We focused on how marketers can design a new future for customers and teams, and where they get stuck. My basic message: it’s not about doing more; it’s about being more. And that requires us to develop a strong sense of self-awareness and conscious behavior.

Intentionality is key–yet too many marketers fail to design their own future. Listen in to our conversation here ….