How to Avoid Moving from Crisis to Crisis

phoneimageIt takes a leap of faith to unplug and stop moving from crisis to crisis. Yet the rewards are many, especially when you bring that mindset to work. Yes, work.

Many senior marketing leaders and CEOs whom I’ve met think of their lives as an “either/or” proposition. They are either relaxed and unplugged OR overworked and hyper-connected.

This is not how I see the world. It’s about living a “both/and” life. We are human beings, not human doings.

In my new LinkedIn post, I share details from my first meeting with Arianna Huffington. The article also talks about the power of unplugging, and how it directly reduces our reliance on crisis for our “energy jolt.”

Check out the post to learn:

* the missing ingredient to defining success in Western culture

* 5 small steps to help you cultivate wisdom

* Arianna’s secret to recharging her batteries.

* Success secrets from our CMO community members

* The habits LinkedIn, Black Rock, Google, and General Mills share in common

When you can’t work any longer or harder, it pays to work smarter. Mindfulness cultivates wisdom and recharges your batteries. It feeds sustained success at work and at home.

Other posts you may enjoy:

Marketing “Pura Vida” in Costa Rica

Forget 2016 Resolutions—Choose Reflection

Mindful Marketing Techniques – New Podcast


Copyright 2016, Lisa Nirell. All rights reserved.

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