New Podcast: Mindful Marketing Strategies with Phil

Mindfulness tips to help you connect with your perfect customer

Mindful marketing is a practice whose time has come: our annual CMO Innovation Trends study reveals that the main obstacle to innovation is too much focus on tactics and firefighting. And this complaint has persisted for five consecutive years.

That’s why I recently sat down with Phil Gerbyshak from the Conversations with Phil podcast  (33  minutes) to discuss mindful marketing principles that enable leaders to reflect and focus. Many strategies come directly from my latest book, The Mindful Marketer.

During our conversation, we covered a wide variety of mindful marketing strategies and topics, including:

  • What is mindful marketing? How can you use it to increases sales and grow your business?
  • What is modern marketing?
  • The danger of isolation: the turning point that inspired me to create the mindful marketing movement
  • The qualities of an effective peer group member in the era of social selling
  • 4  powerful questions to help you become more mindful every day, and create fresh ideas at your desk
  • The number one habit that undermines your customer relationships

You can listen to the podcast here and follow Phil on Twitter here.

What new mindful marketing habits might work for you? I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Copyright 2017, Lisa Nirell. All rights reserved.

Related posts:

       Risky Business: Extreme Product Innovation (New Marketing Podcast)     

       Marketing Smarts Podcast: How to Become a More Mindful Marketer     

       The Mindful Marketer: Podcast With Greg Voisen     

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