Make Resilience Your “New Normal”

How a video production crew dramatically shifted my thinking

2018 has arrived with a BOOM. We’re living in the metaphorical eye of a hurricane. Corporate restructuring, political haggling, and unprecedented natural disasters swirl around us. Some of us are re-evaluating our client relationships, starting new jobs, and embracing new health and fitness regimens. What an invitation to practice resilience!

The dictionary defines resilience as:

The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness


The ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape.

Here’s when the theme of resilience recently started to take hold of my psyche…

I recently returned from a week in Manhattan with my new client, LinkedIN Learning. We completed filming for my new course, “The Effective CMO,” which launches in March. Their video production crew epitomized demonstrated resilience…and here’s how.

I was originally slated to fly to the LinkedIn Learning studios in Carpinteria, CA for the shoot. Then, within just weeks, two back to back tragedies struck Ventura County: wildfires and mudslides. Some of their colleagues lost their homes. The offices faced spotty Internet access. They endured weeks of chaos and logistical uncertainty.

The nimble production team sprang into action. Within 48 hours, they reached out to their Studio Director in New York and secured the East Coast location as a replacement. They found a hair and makeup pro for me. Their travel office staff revised my itinerary within a nanosecond.

hair and makeup Lisa Nirell LinkedIn filming

turning the Hair & Makeup tables…with Lauren, my Producer

Amidst the chaos, they created calm. Know what made it even more impressive? They never complained about the inconvenience, all the changes, the new time zone, or the frigid New York temperatures. They welcomed me as if it were business as usual, as planned.

This got me thinking: where in my life am I demonstrating resistance to change and remaining inflexible? If, together, we can launch a great product within just days—in a totally unfamiliar environment—what’s MY excuse in other areas of my life?

As I enter my 17th year in business, I’m giving this question serious consideration. Clinging to the familiar keeps me from breakthroughs.

I’m redesigning how I interact with clients, design content strategies, and deliver value. You’ll hear more details in the coming months. I am also working on another post that outlines 10 steps to building greater resilience in all aspects of your life.

If you need inspiration through some contemporary examples of resilient marketing leaders, here’s a fantastic resource. Be sure to download this 11-page eBook from MKTGinsight here. These stories feature GE Power, BMW/ParkMobile, SRI International, and more.

What about you? What is your relationship with resilience? How can you recover even faster from adversity in your health, marketing, and among teams? I’d love to hear from you—drop me an email.


Photos courtesy of Julia Rajchel.

Copyright 2018, Lisa Nirell.  All rights reserved.

Related posts:

       Chart a New Course with “Innovate Your Marketing” ebook     

       Innovation Inspiration for 2018 (new eBook)     

       Swimming Towards Success: Newest CMO White Paper Available     

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