6 Radical Steps To Building Resilience

Coping with louder and growing stress levels doesn’t come naturally. It’s a learned skill.

Marketers are working in the midst of dramatic business shifts. It’s exciting. And it can be very draining.  A few steps forward might be followed by a few steps back. But we can agree that every setback presents an invitation to practice resilience.

By refining our coping skills, recognizing setbacks quickly, and managing our stress levels, we can make the leap from surviving to thriving. I have discovered six strategies that have recently helped me improve resilience and achieve breakthroughs.

First, let’s explain the term. The dictionary provides two definitions of resilience: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness; and the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape.

Coping with louder and growing levels of stress doesn’t come naturally. It’s a learned skill. I’ve been in the industry for 31 years, and resilience has taken me a couple of decades to learn and internalize. For example, it took me two years to leave a highly stressful, unfulfilling senior marketing position. I endured many sleepless nights, digestion problems, and a lack of focus.

After some painful self-reflection, I sought guidance from high-performing leaders who are adept at recovering quickly from failure and uncertainty—both common traits of the modern marketing landscape.

This is what they told me. Click here to read the six steps at CMO.com, including some of my favorite examples from leaders at 15Five and Park Mobile LLC.

Embrace your unpredictable future with these steps, and you’ll find yourself learning every day how to be more and more resilient.

Copyright 2018, Lisa Nirell. All rights reserved.

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       New Podcast: Marketing Success and Self-Awareness     

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