Tagged: branding

I am still catching up from my summer getaways to Boone, NC and the Vermont Kingdom.

I really enjoyed my open water swim trip to the pristine, expansive Vermont lakes near the Canadian border. I logged just seven miles over three days, but it was enough to cleanse some of the COVID cobwebs.

You may recall that our last issue outlined the behind-the-scenes happenings at EnergizeGrowth®. Since that time, we created a new Live Stream series and events page and it’s full of great advice and content for these pandemic times.

Editor’s note: Our August guest contributor is Nancie McDonnell Ruder, CEO of Noetic Consultants. Be sure to read the full post and take the special Brand Health Diagnostic.

As with personal health, brand health is something we need to continuously evaluate, exercise, and protect. Right now, our everyday personal protective equipment (PPE) is the mask or face shield we wear. But when it comes to your brand, are you clear about your “Brand Protective Equipment”…

In times of crisis, you must understand that you have to reacquire your clients and rebuild trust in your brand.

For example, I am a diehard Orange Theory Fitness (OTF) fanatic. Now, my membership is on hold because of the recommendation to close all gyms by the CDC. But, once the gym is reopened, I have to be convinced to once again invest my time, money and sweat in OTF.

For marketers, it’s the same train of thought….

Choosing acceptance over austerity, sharing your personal story, and responding rapidly takes guts. You need to tap into your “inner marketing guru” to find what’s true.