Tagged: CLIC

Join us for the 3rd annual CMOs Leading Innovation Conference

Are you a VP of Marketing, Head of Corporate Strategy, CMO, or CEO? Then you’re invited to our 3rd annual CMOs Leading Innovation Conference (CLIC ’17) November 9-10 in Warrenton, VA (just 40 minutes from Dulles Airport). The CLIC ’17 Early Bird rates will end on May 15, 2017.

This year, our theme is “Conquering Innovation Resistance.”

It’s finally summer here in the Washington, DC region. Now is the time to schedule “innovation vacations” to unplug, reflect, and savor the great outdoors.

Instead of asking you “what’s on your reading list?,” I’m curious to know “What’s on your watch list?”

You will find some cool videos below that we just released. Check out the three complimentary marketing innovation videos below from our annual CMOs Leading Innovation Conference. …