Category: Growth Strategy

Looking back at 2021, career shifting became the norm. Marketing leadership roles are abundant right now.

I’m not surprised–PwC’s 2021 Future of Work survey revealed that 65% of employees are looking for a new job. Also, in 2021, over half of my clients were either promoted or changed jobs.

Landing that new role or promotion can be very energizing. You typically have just 90 days to make your mark as an innovator, not just a doer….

Feeling a bit sluggish as we welcome the new year?

Are you bombarded with inbound requests and priorities?

Catching yourself multitasking to keep up with demands?

You’re not alone.

My top clients are saying the same thing. They secretly wish the holiday break was JUST a bit longer.

In lieu of my normal news approach, I’m going light on the word count this week.

I invite you to take a 2 minute breather and enjoy this Forbes article….

Two years into the pandemic, things still feel heavy. To cope, some professionals have turned to self-medication versus meditation (or other healthy habits).

For many of us marketers, our creative candles have flamed out.

Instead of focusing on discussing the theme, “The Great Resignation,” what if we made 2022 “The Year of PLAY?”

In Episode 51, we explore the connection of PLAY to performance with my colleague, Gary Ware.

You may think I’m glossing over the severity of the pandemic….

For marketing leaders, 2021 was a year to remember—and not repeat! 

Customer expectations shifted rapidly. Some great marketers left their lofty roles to be their own bosses. In fact, recent Labor Department data show that the number of unincorporated self-employed workers has risen by 500,000 since the pandemic

Many top team members either resigned or re-tooled, leaving costly gaps.

One of my top clients, for example, had to delay a new product launch valued at $1B because of talent gaps and burned-out teams.  …

The dictionary defines “legacy” as leaving an inheritance or property after death. That term is simply outdated.

We need to make an impact while we are alive and vibrant. And I believe that CMOs are not the only leaders who should consider a new approach to living their legacy. Here’s why…

Today, our teams and loved ones no longer expect a clear, predictable, 20 year strategic plan. Those days are over. 

They want to follow courageous leaders with a growth mindset. …

You might think that the pandemic is the true cause of many of us focusing on short-term issues and being reactionary.

But I have news for you.

For the years I’ve been advising Chief Marketing Officers and CEOs, this problem has haunted them.

Too much short-term thinking can severely limit your career as well as your best-laid marketing strategies.

In this episode, I share the screen with Dorie Clark. She is a prolific entrepreneur, professor, standup comedienne, communications coach, and Author of The Long Game.

Many people call themselves managers, but the word “manager” has undersold leadership for a very long time. In this episode, I share the screen with Don McGuire, the CMO of Qualcomm. He discusses how to creatively and proactively engage teams in today’s hybrid settings, marketing and connecting effectively with customers and strategic partners in the digital world, and leadership strategies that no longer work.

Many CMOs and CEOs ask me how I help clients (especially marketers) leap from “order takers” to growth champions.

It starts with looking at your team’s culture and growth mindset and taking steps to improve your “rapid customer value”.

Here’s what you need to know about the Rocky Mountain culture to hire great people and deepen your customer relationships.