Tagged: Mindfulness

In short, here's what you can do to quiet the fake news noise and protect your brand.

Mooji the Wonder Cat, February 2024. Yes, he loathes being held.
Mooji the Wonder Cat, February 2024. Yes, he loathes being held.

Whatever country you call home, I hope you observe our USA election process. Then question whether your news diet and company content strategy are helping or hindering your critical thinking abilities.

Teams and leaders are simply exhausted. They need more than a summer sojourn and a mint julep to recuperate. And so do I. The first step towards recovery? Identify root causes of fatigue.

As we enter the holiday weeks ahead, we might be anticipating some difficult discussions with loved ones, over-packed Zoom meetings and multiple (physically distanced) gatherings. This has been a politically and socially charged year, to say the least.

That’s why I was happy to spend time with Ben Wolf on “The Win Win” podcast to discuss very tangible methods to apply mindfulness in our daily interactions.

Here are some of the highlights:

05:30 –…

If there is such a thing as a silver lining with COVID, it’s this: the pandemic has created existential crisis for organizations.

Their raison d’etre is being challenged, and may even be falling on deaf ears. Tradition is no longer a valid criteria for investing in a market or for growth mapping.

And in some cases, tradition is more of a hindrance than a help. It may no longer valued–Just ask your customers and your most disengaged employees….

Last April, I received a surprise phone call:

“COVID has been a real wake-up call for me. I don’t know why I’m working this hard and building my company. I have a family member who needs me more than my employees and clients need me. We need to spend more time together. I’m going to keep a few clients, lay off my team, and shut down the office in Atlanta.”

The pandemic suddenly pushed this client to re-think their purpose….

Since March, I have received a steady stream of client requests on how they can identify and address extreme stress levels within their teams—not to mention their own lives. Their teams act distracted and downtrodden, sometimes missing commitments and important email messages.

My coaching often focuses on helping clients create greater calm and focus in their daily schedules. Their mental health concerns and team behaviors are clearly affecting their bottom line. For example, one mid-market CMO recently told me that team engagement and productivity has reached all-time lows….

Two weeks ago, US presidential candidate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris announced their candidacy on a platform of kindness and empathy. As the week of virtual convention activities unfolded, it was clear that these themes will remain part of the Democratic party’s hue and cry until (and hopefully beyond) the November 3 election.

Hard as Democrats may try, empathy is STILL in short supply in our country today, and it is taking its toll on our citizens. Today, NPR’s Rhitu Chatterjee reported that most citizens are simply unsure when the next pandemic or political shoe will drop….

I am still catching up from my summer getaways to Boone, NC and the Vermont Kingdom.

I really enjoyed my open water swim trip to the pristine, expansive Vermont lakes near the Canadian border. I logged just seven miles over three days, but it was enough to cleanse some of the COVID cobwebs.

You may recall that our last issue outlined the behind-the-scenes happenings at EnergizeGrowth®. Since that time, we created a new Live Stream series and events page and it’s full of great advice and content for these pandemic times.

How does mindfulness play a role during COVID?

And given that the pandemic has forced us to really take a pause, what can we do to adapt and learn from mindfulness habits in order to simply be calmer and more focused?

In 1988, I was preparing for my first 280-mile solo flight.  I started in Stratford, Connecticut, and I was supposed to fly to a town called Concord, New Hampshire. As I crossed the state border from Massachusetts into New Hampshire, something strange happened….

Lisa  recently joined Robert Middleton’s “Going Radically Virtual Series” to explore the value of applying mindful marketing in these challenging times. This session is packed with actionable advice and insights.

Click here to watch (you can skip the intros and go to 25:16).