Posts By: Lisa Nirell

Amazon Doesn’t…and It Has Paid Off Well.

Low-income customers may not have a ton of money—but there are a lot of them. That’s why it’s a big mistake for membership-based subscription model organizations to overlook this group. Yet many do.

Our July guest blogger, Robbie Baxter, explains why their short-sighted marketing strategy is costing them a lot of money.

What is the first step towards designing an innovative marketing culture? Uncovering the causes of overwhelm. Here are 24 questions to eliminate marketing innovation barriers within your organization.

What books will kick start your “innovation vacation” this summer? We spoke with several successful leaders and they surprised us with their recommendations.

Marketing leaders who use firefighting as their default mode create unnecessary innovation anxiety. In this post, Lisa shares a 4 part video series showcasing Mark Levy. He steps us through the benefits of freewriting, and how it unleashes our innovation genius.

These videos expire on June 15, 2017–so enjoy them while you can!

We live in a time where the digital revolution can undermine our trust-building efforts. Here are 3 “trust traps” leaders must avoid. This originally appeared in HuffPost.

Are you a VP of Marketing, Head of Corporate Strategy, CMO, or CEO? Then you’re invited to our 3rd annual CMOs Leading Innovation Conference (CLIC ’17) November 9-10 in Warrenton, VA (just 40 minutes from Dulles Airport). The CLIC ’17 Early Bird rates will end on May 15, 2017.

This year, our theme is “Conquering Innovation Resistance.”

As we see creative and digital marketing functions converge, the need for a strong creative workflow strategy is greater than ever. In this post, Alex Withers of InMotionNow outlines 3 costly creative workflow traps to avoid. He also provides some timely examples from the New York Public Library, RBO Printlogistix, and CarMax.

Whenever I approach a slot machine in Las Vegas, I allow myself a $40 “prudent risk threshold.” Such was the case at the Adobe Summit, where I netted $100 at the Wheel of Fortune slot machine within just 10 minutes of play.

Thankfully, many marketing leaders at Adobe Summit displayed a higher propensity for risk than I do, and I have some key takeaways and winning strategies to pass along (full disclosure: Adobe invited me as their guest).

Marketing leaders can no longer ignore the necessity of including mobile apps in their integrated marketing strategy. Customers browse and buy very differently than in the past. We live in an omni-channel world, and it has transformed how our businesses connect with their audiences.

The C-Suite Network just announced that they have built a group of experts to advise their members–The C-Suite Advisor Network–and I’m excited to have been invited to be part of it.