Category: Marketing innovation

2023 presents an opportunity to transform much more than the bottom line, and design winning growth scenarios.

Shane McCarthy and Catherine LaCour at CLIC ’22, Charleston SC.
Shane McCarthy and Catherine LaCour at CLIC ’22, Charleston SC.

Collaborative, cross-functional planning requires us to explore new growth strategies. Those strategies should fulfill three guiding principles: they must boost the bottom line, align with our core values, and drive predictable 2023 results.

ChatGPT, tougher privacy rules, and a growing demand for differentiation can decimate well intended thought leadership and content strategies.

We define innovation as applying creativity to significantly improve or transform the stakeholder condition. As our recent cohort has proven, 2023 presents an opportunity to transform much more than the bottom line.

Join Lisa Nirell (Become an Effective CMO) and Robbie Kellman Baxter (Working with Leadership and Boards) for a LIVE conversation about what it takes to thrive at the highest levels of marketing.

In this conversation with my CLIC ’22 co-host, Catherine LaCour, you’ll get a sneak peek into her “Five Growth Levers” morning session.

I’m thrilled to announce that we are headed to Charleston SC for our 6th annual CMOs Leading Innovation Conference–CLIC ’22— November 3-4, 2022. We are gathering in a historic city that embodies rebirth, recognition, and reinvention.

If you are a marketing leader or CEO, we would love for you to join us.

CLIC ’22 offers an intimate forum to help you:

  • Reinvigorate your personal and organization growth strategy
  • Leverage resources to accelerate company growth
  • Build personal and team resilience

Collaborate with bright minds from diverse backgrounds

Jason just saw five years of hard work go down the tubes.

As a CMO of a public company, he has invested five years of emotional capital and energy into team development and recognition.

Yet his team wasn’t immune to the spoils of The Great Resignation.

He just reported 47% turnover within the marketing team. Other departments weren’t proud of their turnover rates, either.

That’s turmoil in a nutshell.

How can we tame turmoil when world events swirl around us?…

We’re living in a time of marketing liminality.  Some leaders feel as if they have one hand clinging to their Zoom rooms and one hand clinging to a dusty office HQ desk.

This messy middle moment is fueled by ever-changing customer expectations, dynamic workplace configurations, and  high team turnover. (I started to see these challenges emerge in 2018 and published 3 posts about them here.)

There is a silver lining to this liminal marketing moment….

Whether you work for a museum or MarTech company, one thing remains constant: too many marketers still believe that a poor digital or physical experience won’t hurt their brand. 

Just think about how many retailers you recently visited, and how deeply disappointed you felt by the experience. If you’re like me, you probably walked out empty-handed, grabbed your phone, and chose to order online. The online experience was less painful and annoying.

Don’t let this happen to your brand….

Looking back at 2021, career shifting became the norm. Marketing leadership roles are abundant right now.

I’m not surprised–PwC’s 2021 Future of Work survey revealed that 65% of employees are looking for a new job. Also, in 2021, over half of my clients were either promoted or changed jobs.

Landing that new role or promotion can be very energizing. You typically have just 90 days to make your mark as an innovator, not just a doer….