Category: News & events

8 Places to Look for New Opportunity

Here are 8 places you can look for unmet customer needs and new opportunities.  The latest launch of Panera Bread Grocery offerings provides insight and inspiration.

I recently invited Patty Lawrence to join me and discuss the essentials to small business continuity. The first two steps: 1) identify your levers within your control, and 2) quantify your BAMs (bare minimums) needed to keep marketing and serving your customers.

Has your inbox felt like a junk box this week? Mine certainly has. Many retailers, lenders and hospitality companies are dispensing pablum. Every message sounds identical: “We know it is a difficult time, and we are here for you.” Every CMO and PR professional behind this insipid messaging needs to re-examine where they are expending their energy.

In times of crisis, you must understand that you have to reacquire your clients and rebuild trust in your brand.

For example, I am a diehard Orange Theory Fitness (OTF) fanatic. Now, my membership is on hold because of the recommendation to close all gyms by the CDC. But, once the gym is reopened, I have to be convinced to once again invest my time, money and sweat in OTF.

For marketers, it’s the same train of thought….

We’re hosting a complimentary CEO-CMO breakfast on April 16 in Washington, DC from 8-10 am. Join leaders from prominent organizations for a confidential discussion on how CEOs and CMOs can partner in order to accelerate sustainable growth.

This topic is very timely. We have been working with hundreds of
CMOs over the past 7 years—and, in spite of AI, MarTech, and other
technological advances, CMOs remain unsure of how to align their priorities
with the CEO’s vision and board expectations….

Lisa & Jamie hike the Acropolis, Athens Sept. 2019

Jamie Gorski, a Founding Member of
the Marketing Leaders of DC™ and former CMO of
Bozzuto, recently accepted a new CMO role with GID/Windsor in Boston MA.

Founded in 1960, GID
provides fully integrated real estate development services. They develop, own
and operate properties valued at over $17 billion and manage and own 124
investment properties.

 Jamie reports “My 10 -year journey with Bozzuto has been extraordinary….

Remember that old adage: “Loose lips sink ships?” Well, the word
is out: the high seas battles between the trading ships known as Schwab, E*Trade
Financial and TD Ameritrade have begun. And if you are a strategic marketer,
your periscope is watching this duel closely.

Last week, these three online trading juggernauts announced commission-free trading. For some online firms, this created a single-digit hit to revenue projections. For others, double-digit dips are underway. In fact, TD Ameritrade’s stock price plummeted more than 25% in response to this bold pricing strategy….

What are the secrets to a strong CEO-CMO alliance? How can CMOs contribute more effectively and consistently to their organization’s growth agenda? Join us October 24 to find out.

Last week,we announced CLIC ’19 – The CMOs Leading Innovation Conference — is happening in San Francisco on December 5-6. This year’s theme – our 5th year!– is “Building an Innovative Marketing Culture.”

And here’s
why we will sell out…

Kawasaki, one of my mentors and longtime friends has just agreed to join our
dynamic CLIC speaker lineup.

In this session, you’ll hear how this “Wise Guy” has taught millions of leaders and entrepreneurs his secrets for building innovative marketing cultures….

We have scheduled 6 months’ worth of dynamic professional development and growth  opportunities for our community. Check out our schedule, and contact me if you would like to participate in these sessions: