Last month, I enjoyed a chat with Dana Barrett on her radio show. We covered quite a few topics, including the death of traditional branding and the “terrible threes” facing CMOs.

Mindful marketing is a practice whose time has come: our annual CMO Innovation Trends study reveals that the main obstacle to innovation is too much focus on tactics and firefighting. And this complaint has persisted for five consecutive years.

That’s why I recently sat down with Phil Gerbyshak from the Conversations with Phil podcast  (33  minutes) to discuss mindful marketing principles that enable leaders to reflect and focus. Many strategies come directly from my latest book, The Mindful Marketer….

Today, we witness greater forces of nature than I have ever witnessed firsthand: Hurricane Harvey in Houston, and his not-so-distant cousin, Irma, who is terrorizing Cuba, the Caribbean, and a wide swath of Florida. Both are testing our fortitude as a global community, and causing significant losses.

When facing rapidly changing customer expectations and a volatile economy, leaders must think differently just to remain relevant. Marketing innovation, defined as applying fresh creativity to improve your stakeholders’ condition, is a powerful gateway to help you stand above the crowd.

Discussions around marketing ROI and KPIs are de rigeur. But they’re missing the point. Marketing leaders first need fundamental competencies in TWO areas: relationship-building and strategic insight. This post presents five questions that every leader must explore before designing a dazzling dashboard.

Low-income customers may not have a ton of money—but there are a lot of them. That’s why it’s a big mistake for membership-based subscription model organizations to overlook this group. Yet many do.

Our July guest blogger, Robbie Baxter, explains why their short-sighted marketing strategy is costing them a lot of money.

What is the first step towards designing an innovative marketing culture? Uncovering the causes of overwhelm. Here are 24 questions to eliminate marketing innovation barriers within your organization.

What books will kick start your “innovation vacation” this summer? We spoke with several successful leaders and they surprised us with their recommendations.

Marketing leaders who use firefighting as their default mode create unnecessary innovation anxiety. In this post, Lisa shares a 4 part video series showcasing Mark Levy. He steps us through the benefits of freewriting, and how it unleashes our innovation genius.

These videos expire on June 15, 2017–so enjoy them while you can!

We live in a time where the digital revolution can undermine our trust-building efforts. Here are 3 “trust traps” leaders must avoid. This originally appeared in HuffPost.