This year, it’s tempting for C-Suite leaders to obsess over boosting the balance sheet. They focus on efficiency—the theme song of our times. This approach has irreparable consequences. It leaves companies vulnerable to competitors who are committed to boosting customer-facing value to improve the bottom line.

This year, it’s tempting for C-Suite leaders to obsess over boosting the balance sheet. They focus on efficiency—the theme song of our times. This approach has irreparable consequences. It leaves companies vulnerable to competitors who are committed to boosting customer-facing value to improve the bottom line.

Hype cycles take us—and our stakeholders—on a wild ride. Without strategic guardrails, our brand may be forever damaged. Yet here we are, diving into countless ChatGPT and other generative AI use cases and experiments, skipping the strategic questions and downplaying the consequences of unfettered use.

In episode 70 of The Mindful Marketer, we offer strategies to help you navigate the daunting digital desert and privacy pressures – and help you engage and keep great customers.

To avoid big career setbacks, you need to see around corners, build a “value creator” mindset, and amplify alliances with Finance now.

I love the marketing profession, and watching our community members build healthier companies and lives. Why? Because marketing leadership combines head and heart—not just during the Valentine’s Day holiday, but throughout the year.

Collaborative, cross-functional planning requires us to explore new growth strategies. Those strategies should fulfill three guiding principles: they must boost the bottom line, align with our core values, and drive predictable 2023 results.

ChatGPT, tougher privacy rules, and a growing demand for differentiation can decimate well intended thought leadership and content strategies.

When I reflect on this crazy year, my favorite moments shared one common wave: they involved acts of generosity.

We define innovation as applying creativity to significantly improve or transform the stakeholder condition. As our recent cohort has proven, 2023 presents an opportunity to transform much more than the bottom line.