Tagged: marketing leadership

Embrace the power of the pause. You will discover opportunities to observe, serve, and grow.

Dr. Tonya Matthews shares her CLIC ’22 takeaways
Dr. Tonya Matthews shares her CLIC ’22 takeaways

When I reflect on this crazy year, my favorite moments shared one common wave: they involved acts of generosity.

We define innovation as applying creativity to significantly improve or transform the stakeholder condition. As our recent cohort has proven, 2023 presents an opportunity to transform much more than the bottom line.

Join Lisa Nirell (Become an Effective CMO) and Robbie Kellman Baxter (Working with Leadership and Boards) for a LIVE conversation about what it takes to thrive at the highest levels of marketing.

In this conversation with my CLIC ’22 co-host, Catherine LaCour, you’ll get a sneak peek into her “Five Growth Levers” morning session.

Feeling a bit sluggish as we welcome the new year?

Are you bombarded with inbound requests and priorities?

Catching yourself multitasking to keep up with demands?

You’re not alone.

My top clients are saying the same thing. They secretly wish the holiday break was JUST a bit longer.

In lieu of my normal news approach, I’m going light on the word count this week.

I invite you to take a 2 minute breather and enjoy this Forbes article….

By blending the roles of CMO and Product Strategy Officer, leaders across all industries can find new sources of growth and innovation. Lisa recently “sat down” with Robb Lee, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer and Chief Product Strategy Officer, for ASAE. Robb has been a Marketing Growth Leaders™ member for the past five years.

In this interview, we explore  the evolving role of the CMO, lessons learned from 2020, and the future of events.

COVID-19 has shifted how our customers act, think and buy. Your marketing needs to adapt quickly. Here are the 8 areas that are losing their relevance.

Last week,we announced CLIC ’19 – The CMOs Leading Innovation Conference — is happening in San Francisco on December 5-6. This year’s theme – our 5th year!– is “Building an Innovative Marketing Culture.”

And here’s
why we will sell out…

Kawasaki, one of my mentors and longtime friends has just agreed to join our
dynamic CLIC speaker lineup.

In this session, you’ll hear how this “Wise Guy” has taught millions of leaders and entrepreneurs his secrets for building innovative marketing cultures….

Summer solstice often means that it’s time to slow down, dust off the patio furniture, and kick back. But opportunities  don’t always present themselves on our timeline, and force us to operate at sudden warp speed.

Here are 3 strategies I practiced when life “turned up the heat” – and how I will thrive in the year ahead.

We have many stories from CLIC ’18 to pass along, and they would consume pages!  That’s why we plan to send you these stories in small bites in the coming months.

In the meantime, here’s one announcement that is worth shouting about.

Each year, we celebrate members who model our core values and raise the performance bar within our profession. This year, we selected someone who has taken their marketing leadership role to a whole new level: Jennifer Groese of List Partners….