Tagged: marketing innovation

Clear the cobwebs in your crowded closet

What is the first step towards designing an innovative marketing culture? Uncovering the causes of overwhelm. Here are 24 questions to eliminate marketing innovation barriers within your organization.

Are you a VP of Marketing, Head of Corporate Strategy, CMO, or CEO? Then you’re invited to our 3rd annual CMOs Leading Innovation Conference (CLIC ’17) November 9-10 in Warrenton, VA (just 40 minutes from Dulles Airport). The CLIC ’17 Early Bird rates will end on May 15, 2017.

This year, our theme is “Conquering Innovation Resistance.”

I once believed that in order to be creative, I need to drive to the beach, rent a quiet space, and let the ideas start to flow.

Not so fast, Lisa!

We just hosted the Atlanta CMO Innovation Breakfast.

The purpose of the interactive session was threefold: to outline the fundamentals of marketing innovation, assess the participants’ readiness to foster an innovative culture, and deliver fresh insights to kick-start innovation in their organizations. For four consecutive years, our CMO community has asked “How will we make the shift from order taker to innovator?” We helped participants take away specific action steps to address this persistent issue….

Are you overwhelmed by the number of marketing innovations and software products available today?

You are not alone. When I last counted, I discovered over 1, 400 marketing and analytics tools. How can any marketing leaders stay abreast of the latest trends that will propel their businesses forward when the rate of change is this fast?

Before you cry “uncle,” remember the fundamentals of marketing innovation:

1. Innovation is defined as applied creativity. I learned this definition from Alan Weiss….

Featuring Stuart Foster, VP of Marketing of Luxury and Lifestyle Brands at Hilton Worldwide


In his presentation at our recent CLIC’ 15 CMOs Leading Innovation Conference, Stuart Foster described his fresh new vision of targeting consumers based on mindsets, and the results this “mindful marketing” has generated at Hilton. You can watch the first part of his presentation below.

Finding your ideal customers’ state of mind is essential for today’s brands to position themselves effectively….

Here is an example of extreme product innovation I’ve witnessed recently. I met with the President of a struggling technology company. She is betting the company’s future on developing products that have not been validated nor tested with any customers. You could call them “extreme product innovators.” In other words, they are developing products that may pay off in 4-6 years in a market they have never pursued.

Meanwhile, their legacy products (which keep the lights on) currently face severe price pressures and market share erosion….

What are the innovation opportunities and challenges today’s marketing leaders face?

I was honored to be asked back for a second interview with Spiral Marketing, a podcast that helps current and future business leaders, marketers and entrepreneurs elevate their brand. (Their first return guest!)

Host Karl Boehm and I discussed the recently released 3rd Annual Energize Growth CMO Report, From Fledgling to Falcon: How CMOs Make the Leap from Order Taker to Innovator….

By Guest Blogger Billee Howard, Founder and Chief Engagement Officer of Brandthropologie

Here are the top 9 emerging trends CMOs must watch for in the year ahead that will impact innovation and the customer landscape. As we know, the CMO function is currently among the most vital, while also the most volatile.

These 9 emerging trends are designed to enhance your agility in the year ahead:

1) Sound will continue to emerge as the new word, with the audio headphone industry surpassing the $13 billion mark by 2016….

As a gift, I’m sharing a preview into what Daina Middleton will be sharing at the CMOs Leading Innovation Conference (CLIC ’15), September 23, in Tysons Corner VA (a DC suburb). She’s the Head of Global Marketing at Twitter.

Daina’s session is entitled “The Nurturist Organization: 5 Values for Innovative Companies Who Want to Thrive In the Participation Age.”

Marketing touches so many departments across companies today that adopting singular values that only operate under the CMO are not enough….