Tagged: Chief Marketing Officers

The world is in need of more time to reflect and think before acting.

The world is in need of more time to reflect and think before acting. That goes double for marketers. There are a lot of changes going on in the marketing profession. Customers are feeling it — they’re barraged with information. And I don’t believe tech is the answer.

I recently spoke with Lee Price of Managing Editor about being mindful at work. We explored the the challenges of being connected constantly by technology without being distracted….

Ever wonder why some leaders avoid taking risks in their roles, and default to status quo? I have a theory about this. I believe that without strong personal financial confidence, every decision, no matter how small, feels risky. Leaders lose the ability and courage to garner budget commitment and innovate.

I see a clear connection between the tolerance for calculated risk and financial confidence. Here is how my theory evolved.

Last summer, our financial adviser of 13 years changed careers, leaving us with “Gary,” a new broker….

Now is the time to explore, identify, and implement proactive marketing strategies. Waiting another 1-2 months may be too late. These are some strategic questions to ask during your next marketing planning meeting.

We just launched our first program with LinkedIn Learning, “Become an Effective CMO.” I invite you to download your course now.

Marketers are working in the midst of dramatic business shifts. It’s exciting. And it can be very draining.  A few steps forward might be followed by a few steps back. But we can agree that every setback presents an invitation to practice resilience.

By refining our coping skills, recognizing setbacks quickly, and managing our stress levels, we can make the leap from surviving to thriving. I have discovered six strategies that have recently helped me improve resilience and achieve breakthroughs….

We invited Netflix star and global adventurer, Leon Logothetis, to launch our annual CMOs Leading Innovation Conference (CLIC ’17) because he  offers us a much-needed relief in a time of negativity and suffering. Here are highlights from his 3-year kindness journey.

I recently joined Steve Caldwell on his podcast, Manager Mojo. We focused on how marketers can design a new future for customers and teams, and where they get stuck. My basic message: it’s not about doing more; it’s about being more. And that requires us to develop a strong sense of self-awareness and conscious behavior.

Intentionality is key–yet too many marketers fail to design their own future. Listen in to our conversation here ….

Where do you need to create resilience? How can you recover even faster from adversity in your health, marketing, and among teams?

I always enjoy recording podcast interviews, but speaking with Dr. Diane Hamilton on her podcast (which focuses on highly successful professionals) was especially worthwhile. She really did her homework and prepared some great topics for our discussion.

In fast-changing markets, companies often get so busy running the business, they fail to understand their customers’s experience and needs.